Industrial Rehabilitation Programs
Services are provided by a rehabilitation professional with Appropriate training and skill to perform onsite industrial prevention/management. Onsite services are provided based on need, one time per week to five times per week, and from one hour to a full shift.
Accordion - Industrial Rehabilitation Programs
Needs Assessment
- A needs assessment is a process by which appropriate company information related to ergonomics is reviewed and analyzed to determine appropriate recommendations and/or services to reduce ergonomic related problems. The needs assessment would consist of any or all of the following: review of injury data, review of current ergonomic initiatives, and completion of a facility walk through.
- Benefits: Completion of a needs assessment will allow the consultant to provide the most appropriate service recommendations and individualize the services for the specific needs of the company.
Ergonomic Analysis
Assessment of a work process and workstation to identify ergonomic risk factors related to any of the following: workstation, environment, equipment, tools, materials, processes, tasks and/or work practices as it relates to the musculoskeletal system. Recommendations for ergonomic improvements to reduce and/or eliminate identified risk factors and ongoing consultation to assist with possible solutions would also be provided.
Physical Demands Job Analysis
Video analysis process to evaluate a specific job(s) to determine the physical demand requirements of the job(s). Results can be utilized when comparing an employee’s physical demand abilities to the job requirements. It also provides information necessary for a job modification program, to place an employee with specific restrictions, and for defining physical demand requirements in job descriptions.
Injury Prevention Training Programs
Various educational programs related to musculoskeletal injury prevention, common work related musculoskeletal disorders and their signs and symptoms, musculoskeletal risk factors, ergonomic solutions to reduce and/or eliminate risk factors, fitness and wellness programs. Educational programs can include new employee orientation, annual employee education, individual employee and/or group education programs, management programs and/or education programs tailored to the specific needs of the company.
Physical Demands Screening
Assessment of an employment candidate’s ability to perform the physical demand requirements of the job offered. The screening of physical demands will be performed simulating or performing job tasks required. Results can be utilized to make alternate arrangements or accommodations, if necessary, for the employee to increase safety and reduce risk of on the job injury. (Requires physical demands job analysis.
Ergonomic Program Development and Management
Consultation and assistance in the establishment of a company wide injury prevention/ergonomic program including establishment of a committee outlining member roles, developing a written program, provision of necessary training programs, and participation in committee meetings on a regular basis to address injury prevention issues. This program is designed to help companies meet the new OSHA ergonomic standard.
Onsite Exercise Program
Training program that will provide participants with instruction in performing a general exercise program at the worksite, as well as information on the benefits of a general exercise program to improve muscle tone, reduce fatigue, and increase strength. The program consists of instruction, demonstration, and audience participation in exercise performance. To achieve maximum benefit, a maximum of 15-20 people per program is recommended.