Tuberculin Skin Testing PPD (Mantoux Test)
UHS Occupational Medicine will administer baseline, annual, and post -exposure Mantoux Skin Testing for the Company. The employee will be questioned regarding previous skin testing results. If an employee reports a history of a positive skin test, further tuberculin skin testing will not be performed. Those employees reporting positive skin test will complete a Tuberculosis Screen. If there are no physical symptoms, nothing further will be required. If there are positive findings from the questionnaire, employee will be referred to their primary care physician or the Broome County Health Department Chest Clinic.
The intradermal skin testing is done with 0.1 ml of 5 TU PPD Test material (Tubersol), using a tuberculin syringe with a 27 gauge needle. The test must be interpreted by UHS Occupational Medicine 48 to 72 hours after administration. If the individual does not return within the 72 hour period, the test will be repeated on the other arm after seven (7) days or more after the initial skin test. Interpretations will be made according to the “Positive Tuberculin Skin Test Table.” Individuals who are positive converters will be referred to their private medical doctor or the Broome County Health Department Chest Clinic.
Testing following a suspected exposure to tuberculosis will occur as follows: if a Mantoux Skin Test has not been done within the past 12 months, a baseline test will be done and then repeated twelve (12) weeks post-exposure.
The “TB Testing Record” will be used for documentation.