Connecting Community Partners with UHS
When it comes to your patients’ care, the complete story is just a few clicks away with UHS CareLink, our online healthcare portal for physicians and providers.
UHS CareLink is a secure, online healthcare portal for connecting private and referring physicians and their staff to UHS resources and patient information.
Who uses UHS CareLink?
- Community physicians and their staff
- Skilled nursing facilities, nursing homes, hospice, long-term care facilities and home health agencies
- Outside referring providers and physicians
- Other entities that would need access for treatment, payment, or operations
UHS CareLink can help you track your patients’ care status and make the transition back to your care faster and easier.
What can you do with UHS CareLink?
- Maintain continuity of patient care with access to all parts of the UHS chart including discharge, operative and progress notes, consult reports, labs, imaging reports, medications, problems lists and much more.
- Place referral orders to UHS specialists.
- Access UHS CareLink from anywhere and print information when you need it.
- Receive system notifications to alert you to admissions and discharges from UHS. This feature is customizable to fit your needs and can include many other event alerts like ED visits, appointments scheduled and completed.
- Send secure, HIPAA-compliant messages, electronic referrals and imaging orders to UHS providers.
How to Request a New UHS CareLink Site
Planning for your new UHS CareLink Site:
- Download the three required agreement documents:
- Download the New Site Request Information Sheet:
- Determine who at your organization will act as Site Executive and Site Administrator(s).
- Submit New Account Request for your Site:
- Email completed agreements to CareLinkAdmin@nyuhs.org.