Physical Examinations
UHS Occupational Medicine will provide qualified physicians and allied health professionals to perform the following employment related physical examinations.
General Health Assessment - New Hire, Periodic and Annual
General Health Assessments provide employers with a “snapshot” of the candidate’s health status and documentation of pre-existing conditions. For employers regulated by the New York State Department of Health, this exam will meet the regulatory requirements for assessment of health status and freedom from communicable disease.
The candidate will complete a full medical history. The exam consists of review of medical history, physical exam, height, weight, blood pressure, vision screen, and urine dip for sugar and protein. Examination results will be reported on the UHS Occupational Medicine’s “Clearance Statement” form or a customer designated form. Additional laboratory or radiology services may be ordered on the Customer Request Form at an additional cost.
Department of Transportation Exams (CDL, 19-A)
The Driver Exam meets Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration requirements for CDL holders, Parts 391.41 and 391.43 and the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles for Bus Drivers (19-A). The exams will be reported on the Medical Examination Report for Commercial Driver Fitness Determinations and the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles Medical Examination Report of Driver Under Article 19-A forms respectively.
The candidate will be requested to complete the medical history section of the forms. The health care provider will review the medical history, perform physical exam, vision screen, blood pressure, heart rate, urine dip for sugar, blood, protein and an audiogram if driver fails whisper test. CDL drivers successfully completing this exam will receive a medical certificate indicating driver qualification for up to two (2) years. Bus drivers (19A) require annual exams.
FAA Physicals
Multiple AME providers are centrally located in Broome County perform Class 1, 2 and 3 Medical Exams.
How to get started:
- Visit the FAA website and complete items 1 through 20 on the FAA Form 8500-8 at https://medxpress.faa.gov/
- Print the application summery and your conformation number.
- Call UHS Occupational Medicine to make any appointment for your examination at 607-762-2333
What to bring to your appointment:
- Printed application summary and confirmation number from the FAA website.
- A valid, government issued picture ID (driver’s license or passport).
- Current certificate, waiver and health documentation of any existing medical problems from your treating physician, including a list of your medications.
- Glasses, contact lenses, or hearing aids, if required.
Class 1: Airline Transport Pilot
Class 2: Commercial Aviation – Commercial Pilot, Flight Engineer, Flight Navigator or Air Traffic Control Tower Operator. (Does Not Include FAA Employee Air Traffic Control Specialists)
Class 3: General Aviation – Private Pilot, Recreational Pilot or Student Pilot.
Fitness For Duty Examination
Worried about your employees’ readiness to return to work after an extended illness or injury? Let UHS Occupational Medicine provide you with a second opinion based on our knowledge of your workplace and the physical requirements of the job.
The Fitness for Duty exam provides a second opinion on the employees readiness to return to work after an injury or illness. The Company must provide information on the physical requirements of the job for which the employee is being evaluated. The primary treating physician must have released the employee for return-to-work. All medical records and authorizations are to be made available by the employee to the UHS Occupational Medicine provider prior to the scheduled fitness for duty examination. The UHS Occupational Medicine physician may communicate with the primary treating physician for clarification of the employee’s current health status and may make recommendations for further evaluation if the illness or injury indicates such medical attention is needed. UHS will obtain Company approval prior to such further evaluation. The UHS provider will give an opinion on fitness for duty but the final decision as to the employee’s fitness for duty shall be made solely by the Company.
Specific Job Placement Examinations
Let us help you put the “right person” in the “right job”. UHS Occupational Medicine will evaluate all your production jobs and use the gathered information to assist you in matching the “right job” to the “right person”. Through self-disclosure, physical findings, strength and flexibility testing, and evaluation for repetitive injury findings the candidate is compared to the actual essential functions (physical requirements) of the proposed job. Securing documentation for pre-existing conditions and prior injuries may reduce your future cost by prevention of re-injury and decrease financial liability for such claims.
Job Assessments are a key component of this exam. Together with a company representative, an Occupational Health Nurse or Physical Therapist will visit each production work site and collect the physical requirements of each job. The results of the Job Assessments will be retained in a database for use in conjunction with each physical exam and a specific job offer. The Company must provide the candidate’s proposed job title prior to the exam to facilitate proper screening. The candidate will be requested to complete a medical history, risk assessment, and ability assessment. The health provider will review the medical and occupational history and document pre-existing conditions and/or injuries on the “Physical Examination” form. As part of this exam mobility and repetitive motion screening will be performed as well as, height, weight, blood pressure, vision, and urine dip for sugar and protein.
Appointments are not required, but are available and are recommended at the Company’s request by calling the Binghamton Office at (607) 762-2333 and the Norwich Office at (607) 337-4777