For Patients
Admission Procedures
If you’re admitted to the hospital by your physician, you’ll receive a phone call to let you know when the hospital can admit you. If you’re admitted directly from your physician’s office, please report to Admissions unless your physician directs you otherwise.
At Admissions, you’ll be asked to complete and sign forms that permit us to care for you, to bill your insurance carrier on your behalf, and to release (or not) information about your hospital admission at our New York locations. Admissions/registration is located:
- Wilson Medical Center: in the main lobby at the Harrison Street entrance
- Binghamton General Hospital: from the main entrance on Mitchell Avenue walk down the short entrance hall, turn right and it’ll be on the left
- Chenango Memorial Hospital: just off the hospital’s main lobby
- Delaware Valley Hospital: just off the hospital’s main lobby
If you’re admitted through the Emergency Department you’ll be registered there. Additional forms will be brought to you for your signature after you’ve been assigned a room.
Ambulatory (Same Day) Surgery Patients
If you’re having ambulatory surgery at the new Ambulatory Surgery Center at Wilson Place, you should report there at the time your physician instructs you to. Wilson Place is located at 52 Harrison Street in Johnson City, across from Wilson Medical Center. Please visit the center website for directions and parking information, as well as details on how to prepare for your surgery.
If you’re having ambulatory surgery at Chenango Memorial Hospital or Delaware Valley Hospital, you should report to the hospital’s Admissions/Registration office at the time your physician instructs you to.
What to Bring with You to the Hospital
Please bring the following with you to the hospital on your admission day:
Your safety, well-being and recovery are our top priorities, so our providers and staff are focused on giving you the best care possible. We ask that you do your part during your hospital stay by keeping track of your valuables and belongings. If possible, please give your valuables and other items to a family member or other trusted person accompanying you to ensure safekeeping.
- A photo ID, such as a driver’s license or state ID
- Your insurance/Medicare card and any required insurance forms
- A list of prescription and nonprescription medications and vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements you’re taking, including the dosage and frequency; (please ask your physician beforehand if you should bring any of your medications to the hospital)
- Copies of any advance directives about your health care that you’ve already completed
- Names and phone numbers of family members or friends to contact in an emergency
- Written list of past hospitalizations, illnesses, surgeries and allergies
- Optional (See disclaimer on valuables above): Pajamas, robe and nonskid slippers. Personal toiletries such as shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, denture cream, face creams and comb or brush.
- Comfortable clothes to wear home
- Assistive devices, such as walkers, crutches, canes, hearing aids or magnifying glasses labeled clearly with your name
- If you wish, you may bring a cell phone, but please review the rules for using cell phones at UHS hospitals (in the tab below)
- If you wish, you may bring battery-operated items such as razors or radios; please review the information below about bringing small appliances to a UHS hospital (information below)
- Maternity patients: bring suitable clothing for taking your infant home
Please don’t bring the following with you to the hospital:
While we cannot assume responsibility for missing items, we do make every effort to return them to you.
- Valuables such as cash, jewelry, credit cards and checkbooks
- Your medications, unless requested by your physician or nurse
- Visitors may not enter any UHS facility with a weapon of any kind. Local law enforcement will be notified if the visitor refuses to comply.
A note about bringing electrical appliances from home:
- UHS Wilson Medical Center and UHS Binghamton General Hospital does not allow you to bring any electrical appliances to your hospital room that must be plugged in. This includes, in particular, anything with an open heating element such as hair dryers, curling irons and heating pads.
- UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital allows you to bring small electrical appliances such as a hair dryer, electric razor, tape or CD player, or portable clock to their room.
- UHS Delaware Valley Hospital allows you to bring small appliances such as those listed above with you, but they must be checked by a member of staff prior to their use. Please speak with your nurse.
Note: The hospital can’t assume responsibility for valuables kept in your room or lost or broken dentures, eyeglasses, hearing aids, etc., unless the hospital is clearly responsible for the damage.
During Your Visit
Valuables and Personal Property: Your safety, well-being and recovery are our top priorities, so our providers and staff are focused on giving you the best care possible. We ask that you do your part during your hospital stay by keeping track of your valuables and belongings. If possible, please give your valuables and other items to a family member or other trusted person accompanying you to ensure safekeeping. Please keep track of additional items, such as hearing aids, clothing, eyeglasses, dentures or cell phones, that you wish to keep with you while in the hospital. For a scheduled visit, we ask that you leave any valuables at home when possible. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated. If you lose something: While we cannot assume responsibility for missing items, we do make every effort to return them to you. To report a missing item, contact UHS Security at 607-763-8888. |
Meals: All UHS Hospitals provide freshly prepared, nutritious meals for patients. A large variety of items are available. Please remember that your selections must follow any dietary restrictions ordered by your physician. To learn more about the specific meal options available at your hospital, please consult the patient handbook in your room or ask your nurse or dietary staff. Note that guest meals are available for a nominal fee. | |
Television and Telephone: Rooms are equipped with telephones and remote controlled, cable, color televisions that are available for a nominal fee. While you enjoy television programming, please remember to respect the rights of others and keep the volume low. Complimentary headphones are available.
UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital
UHS Delaware Valley Hospital
Cell Phones:
Wireless Hotspots: Patients and visitors at UHS Wilson Medical Center, UHS Binghamton General Hospital, UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital and UHS Delaware Valley Hospital can enjoy Wi-Fi/wireless high-speed Internet access in all patient rooms and the cafeterias at both hospitals.
Wireless access is free and no passwords are required, but users must provide their own wireless devices. Users are asked to be courteous to other patients and visitors by keeping the volume of their device muted or by using headphones. |
Electrical Appliances: UHS Wilson Medical Center and UHS Binghamton General Hospital allow only battery-operated items such as razors and cassette players in inpatient rooms. Under no circumstances are any items containing open heating elements allowed.
UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital and UHS Delaware Valley Hospital allow inpatients to bring small electrical appliances with them to their inpatient room. However, patients at UHS Delaware Valley Hospital must have these items inspected by a staff member prior to their use; please speak with your nurse. |
Mail and Flowers: If you grant permission at the time of your admission for the release of information regarding your room number and telephone number, then all mail and flowers sent to you will be delivered to your room. Some patient care units (Intensive Care, Coronary Care) don’t allow flowers or plants. Mail received after your discharge will be forwarded to your home address. |
Automatic Teller Machines (ATMs):
Smoke-Free Facilities: UHS promotes the benefits of a smoke-free environment and prohibits smoking on its premises at all locations. This ban includes patient rooms, entrance ways, coffee shops, lobbies, lounges, corridors, restrooms and parking lots. If you’re interested in quitting smoking while you’re a patient in the hospital, UHS offers a nicotine consultation service at no charge. Talk to your nurse or physician if you need a referral. | Interpreter Services:
UHS will provide an interpreter for any patient or family who doesn’t speak English. A sign language interpreter is also available if needed. If you need any of these services, please ask a staff member. Click here for more information. |
Patient Rights Booklet: Click here to download the patient rights booklet.
Caring Bridge
UHS is proud to sponsor CaringBridge. This free and easy to use service helps to connect you to family and friends during a health crisis or long-term hospital stay.
Through CaringBridge you can set up a website that is your personal and private journal, guestbook and photo album. Share your CaringBridge website with your friends and family. You invite and allow visitors to your site to keep your information private.
Mercy House
Mercy House of the Southern Tier is a community care shelter which provides a home and a supportive family to people with terminal illnesses who can no longer remain at home. Residents spend their final days surrounded by their loved ones, and the love of Mercy House staff and volunteers. The mission of Mercy House is to unconditionally accept each resident and ensure that they are treated with dignity, respect and compassion.
Residents receive quality care in a home-like environment that includes:
- 24-hour care as an alternative to nursing home, hospital or at-home care
- Private bedrooms with cable TV and telephone
- Home-cooked meals
- Chapel
- Open visiting hours for family and friends
Before You Go Home/Discharge
Billing and Insurance Information
If you have questions about your health insurance or your hospital bill, a Patient Financial Advocate will be happy to answer your questions by telephone, or if you request it, will come to your room while you’re still in the hospital.
Discharge Planning Services
Our nursing staff and a care manager or social worker will assist you with discharge plans. These plans start with information collected on admission and are evaluated for you by nursing staff, your physician and case manager or social worker throughout your hospital stay. If you have concerns regarding your discharge plans, contact your physician, nurse, case manager or social worker.
Day of Discharge
You and your nurse will discuss your departure time. Once you know what time you can expect to be released, please make any necessary arrangements to leave the hospital.
Discharge Instructions
Your doctor and your nurse will give you instructions about post-hospital care. If you have questions about your diet, activities or other matters, or aren’t comfortable with your discharge instructions, please be sure to ask at this time. You’ll receive written discharge instructions prior to leaving the hospital. Please maintain these instructions and refer to them when you leave as they have important information regarding your post-hospital care.
Medical Social Work Services
Our social work team assists patients and families in coping with the stresses that accompany illness and hospitalization. Social workers provide psychological and social assessments and counseling, and coordinate referrals for post-discharge follow-up, nursing home placement, home care nursing, delivery of home medical equipment and end of life care.
Home Health Care
Whether you need home care services, equipment or supplies, UHS can help. We operate UHS Home Care PHC (call 607.763.5600) and UHS Home Care TTHH (607.763.8946).
Project HEAR
Project HEAR (home emergency alarm response) provides emergency help with the touch of a button, 24 hours a day, seven days a week through your home telephone. For more information, contact Project HEAR, UHS Home Care TTHH, at 607.763.8952.
Medical Record Requests
Authorization to release protected health information:
To authorize release of your protected health information, please download and fill out the Authorization Form below. Please call the site you are requesting records from for further details on submitting the form.
Medical Records Authorization Form
Copies of your medical records are available to you upon request. The hospital charges a fee of per page for copies. Copies of your medical records can be provided to healthcare professionals for continuing care. If you have questions about accessing your medical records in New York, please contact our Health Information Management Office:
UHS Release of Information Department:
(WMH, BGH, and physician practices)
Then you have the following options:
- Option 1 for Patient or Healthcare Facility Continuity of Care Requests
- Option 2 for Attorney, Insurance, Audit or 3rd Party requests
UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital:
UHS Delaware Valley Hospital:
Medical Records - Frequently Asked Questions
Who can I call with questions?
Please call the clinic or hospital where you received care and ask to speak with someone in the Medical Records department. General information lines are listed below:
- UHS Wilson Medical Center: 607-584-9373
- UHS Binghamton General Hospital: 607-584-9373
- UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital: 607-337-4330
- UHS Delaware Valley Hospital: 607-865-2180
Your confidentiality is our priority. Your privacy is important. UHS in New York keeps your medical records confidential, however they're readily available when you need to share information with your health care team. UHS also teams with HealtheConnections to make your health records more easily accessible by your health care providers. Please note: For security purposes, we do not process requests for medical records via e-mail.
Who owns my medical records?
The information contained in your medical records belongs to you, and you are entitled to access that information. The physical record is the property of UHS. We maintain records in order to provide effective services to our patients.
How do I request copies of my medical records?
You are welcome to request copies of your medical records at any time. Each clinic, hospital and specialty department in New York maintains confidential medical records of its patients. To obtain copies of your medical records, please contact the clinic or hospital where you received care and ask to speak with the Medical Records department. The UHS staff will be happy to assist you. A list of all UHS clinics and hospitals and their phone numbers is available online. Or, fill out a Medical Records Authorization Form.
How do I transfer my medical records?
Transfer from a UHS doctor to another UHS doctor:
Sometimes your health care journey will take you from the doctor’s office to a hospital or a specialty department within UHS. We want this to be as convenient as possible. If you are currently seeing an UHS doctor and he/she refers you to another UHS doctor, your doctor’s office will transfer the necessary records for you.
Transfer from a UHS doctor to another doctor outside of UHS:
UHS will cooperate with transferring your medical records to another health care provider at your request. Please contact the clinic or hospital where you received care and ask to speak with the Medical Records department.
Transfer to UHS:
Please contact the UHS clinic or hospital where you would like the records to be sent. Ask to speak with the Medical Records department. They will be happy to assist you with the process for transferring records to a specific doctor’s office.
Is there a fee for requesting my medical records?
You can make an appointment to view your medical records at no charge. If you wish to receive a paper copy of your records for your own use, you may be charged a fee for processing the request. There is no fee for transferring your medical records directly to another health care provider.
Can I access my family member’s medical records?
State and federal laws determine who may have access to a patient’s information. If you are a parent or legal guardian of a minor child, in most cases you will be able to access the child’s health care information if you provide proper identification and sign a consent form. Legal representatives can also gain access to patients' medical records in New York. The UHS Medical Records staff can answer any questions you might have regarding access to family members' information.
Can my medical records be shared without my consent?
Yes. The law allows for exceptions and typically limits the amount of information that can be released under special circumstances. Some examples would be in response to a medical emergency, under a court order, and in response to workman’s compensation claims.
Patient Medication Safety
Unfortunately, medication errors happen. They happen in hospitals, in pharmacies,or even at home.
The more information you have, the better able you are to prevent errors and take care of yourself. You have to ask your pharmacists, doctors, and nurses about your medications, and you have to expect answers.
Find out all you can about your conditions and the medication(s) you are taking — including over-the-counter medications. What you learn will help protect you.
UHS has medication cards that can be used to document your prescriptions and over-the-counter products.
Your doctors, nurses and pharmacists work hard to keep you healthy, but you are also responsible. Learn what questions to ask. Expect answers...it’s your life and your health!
Remember...medication error prevention is a shared responsibility.
What you can do at home...
- Make a list of medications you are taking now. Include the name, dose, how often you take them, and the name of your pharmacy. Any time that your medications change, update your list too. Also list your medication and food allergies, and any over-the-counter medications, vitamins, nutritional supplements or herbal products that you take regularly.
- Store medications in their original containers.
- Never take someone else’s medication.
- Read the label every time you take a dose to make sure you have the right medication and that you are following the instructions.
- Don't store medication in the bathroom medicine cabinet or in direct sunlight.
- Keep medications separate from pets’ medications or household chemicals.
- Don't keep tubes of ointments or creams next to your tube of toothpaste. They feel a lot alike when you grab quickly.
- To dispose of unused, unwanted or expired medications, place them in the trash, taking care to destroy or disguise them to avoid misuse or misdirection.
- Mixing prescription medications with an undesirable substance, such as used coffee grounds or kitty litter, and putting them in containers such as empty cans, or sealable bags will further ensure the medications are not diverted.
- Don’t chew, crush or break capsules or tablets unless instructed. Some long acting medications are absorbed too quickly when chewed. Other medications either won’t be effective or could make you sick.
- To give liquid medication, use only the cup or other measuring device that came with the medication.
What you can do at your pharmacy...
Your pharmacist can be your partner in preventing medication errors. Many pharmacies offer services that monitor your medications. With this information in place, your pharmacist can help protect you against harmful drug interactions, duplicate medications, and other potential problems.
- Before you leave the pharmacy, your pharmacist should give you printed information about the medication and make sure that you understand the answers to your questions.
- When you buy over-the-counter medications, read the label carefully, because the medication may contain ingredients you do not want or should not take.
- Ask your pharmacist for help if you have trouble selecting the right product.
What you can do at the doctor’s office...
- Take your medication list every time you go to the doctor’s office, especially if you have more than one doctor. They may not know about medications that another doctor has prescribed for you.
- Ask your doctor to explain what is written on any prescription including the drug name and how often you should take it. Then when you take it to the pharmacy, you can double check the information on the label.
- Tell your doctor you want the purpose for the medication written on the prescription. Many drug names look alike when written poorly; knowing the purpose helps you and the pharmacist double check the prescription.
- If your doctor gives you samples, make sure that he/ she checks to be sure there are no interactions with your other medications. Pharmacies have computers to check for interactions and allergies, but when your doctor gives you samples, this important check may be missed!
What you can do in the hospital...
- When you come to the hospital, bring a list of the medications, nutritional supplements, vitamins, over-the-counter medications and herbal medications you are taking at home.
- If you bring your medications to the hospital, send them home with your family once the nursing staff has seen them. While you are in the hospital, you may not need the same medications.
- Tell your doctor you want to know the names of the medications you will be receiving while in the hospital and the reason you are taking them. That way, if anyone tells you anything different, you’ll know to ask questions, which might prevent an error.
- Look at all medications before you take them. If it doesn’t look like what you usually take, ask why.
- Do not let anyone give you medications without checking your name band. This helps prevent you from getting someone else’s medications.
- Remind your nurse and doctor if you have allergies.
- When you get ready to go home, have the doctor or nurse go over each medication with you and a family member.
New York Patient Rights and Responsibilities
You may also review the Patient Bill of Rights on the New York State Department of Health’s website, which provides versions in several languages.
Patient Rights | ||
Click here to download the patient rights booklet. |
Your Rights as a Patient
As a patient in a hospital in New York state, you have the right, consistent with law to:
- Understand and use these rights. If for any reason you do not understand or you need help, the hospital MUST provide assistance, including an interpreter.
- Receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, source of payment, or age.
- Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free of unnecessary restraints
- Receive emergency care if you need it.
- Be informed of the name and position of the doctor who will be in charge of your care in the hospital.
- Know the names, positions and functions of any hospital staff involved in your care and refuse their treatment, examination or observation.
- Identify a caregiver who will be included in your discharge planning and sharing or post-discharge care information or instruction.
- Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
- Receive all the information that you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment. This information shall include the possible risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.
- Receive all the information you need to give informed consent for an order not to resuscitate. You also have the right to designate an individual to give this consent for you if you are too ill to do so. If you would like additional information, please ask for a copy of the pamphlet “Deciding About Health Care — A Guide for Patients and Families.”
- Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.
- Refuse to take part in research. In deciding whether or not to participate, you have the right to a full explanation.
- Privacy while in the hospital and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care.
- Participate in all decisions about your treatment and discharge from the hospital. The hospital must provide you with a written discharge plan and written description of how you can appeal your discharge.
- Review your medical record without charge. Obtain a copy of your medical record for which the hospital can charge a reasonable fee. You cannot be denied a copy solely because you cannot afford to pay.
- Receive an itemized bill and explanation of all charges.
- View a list of the hospital’s standard charges for items and services and the health plans the hospital participates with.
- Challenge an unexpected bill through the Independent Dispute Resolution process.
- Complain without fear of reprisals about the care and services you are receiving and to have the hospital respond to you and if you request it, a written response. If you are not satisfied with the hospital’s response, you can complain to the New York State Health Department. The hospital must provide you with the State Health Department telephone number.
- Authorize those family members and other adults who will be given priority to visit consistent with your ability to receive visitors.
- Make known your wishes in regard to anatomical gifts. Persons sixteen years of age or older may document their consent to donate their organs, eyes and/or tissues, upon their death, by enrolling in the NYS Donate Life Registry or by documenting their authorization for organ and/or tissue donation in writing in a number of ways (such as a health care proxy, will, donor card, or other signed paper). The health care proxy is available from the hospital.
For the Parents' Bill of Rights, click here.
Your Responsibilities as a Patient
In addition to your rights as a patient in New York, you also have responsibility to:
- Provide, to the best of your knowledge, accurate and complete information concerning present complaints, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other matters relating to your health.
- Report perceived risks in your care and unexpected changes in your condition to your physician(s) or other healthcare providers.
- Report any perceived or identified safety issues related to your care or physical environment to your physician(s) or other healthcare provider.
- Ask questions when you do not understand what you have been told about your care or what you are expected to do regarding care.
- Make it known whether you clearly understand a contemplated course of action and what is expected of you.
- Follow your treatment plan established by the practitioner primarily responsible for your care. This may include following the instructions of nurses and advanced practice providers as they carry out your physician's orders and as they enforce the applicable hospital rules and regulations.
- Participate in decisions regarding your medical care, including the planning and implementation of your plan of care.
- Accept responsibility for your actions should you refuse treatment or do not follow your physician’s instructions.
- Assure that the financial obligations of your health care are fulfilled as promptly as possible.
- Follow hospital rules and regulations affecting patient care and conduct.
- Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel, and assist in the control of noise, smoking and the number of visitors.
- Be respectful of your personal property and that of other persons and of the hospital.
- Keep appointments, and when you are unable to do so for any reason, notify the responsible physician or the hospital.
Patient Relations
NYS Patient Rights Guide
Here at UHS, we want our patients to feel safe, respected, listened to and cared for in a way that fosters confidence and trust in UHS. If you do not have this experience, our patient relations representatives and patient advocates are here to assist you. We help to remove obstacles to providing high-quality health care by acting as a liaison between patients and the hospital or physician practices. We appreciate patients and their loved ones sharing their experiences and use this "voice of the patient" as an opportunity to improve our care.
If you have a question, concern or complaint about your care, please speak with your nurse or the nurse manager of the unit you’re on. If after doing this you’re still not satisfied, please contact:
- Wilson Medical Center Patient Relations Office: 607-763-6777
- Binghamton General Hospital Patient Relations Office: 607-762-2777
- Chenango Memorial Hospital Patient Advocate Office: 607-337-4522
- Delaware Valley Hospital Quality Improvement Office: 607-865-2176
We Want to Hear From You!
Our goal is to provide all our patients with very good care, so your feedback is important to us since it helps us to continually improve our services. Please share your concerns, suggestions or compliments with us. You can do this by telephone using one of the numbers listed above, or you can submit your comment online.
Patient Financial Advocate at Chenango Memorial Hospital
Patient Financial Advocates are ready to assist all patients with any financial questions and payment issues that may arise. The financial advocates are experienced with most insurance coverages and options, including Medicare and Medicaid. Do not hesitate to stop in or call on our financial advocates. They can help explain any confusing bill or insurance questions. CMH Patient Financial Advocates also help patients make arrangements to secure interest free loans or to make other arrangements so they are able to receive essential health services. For patient convenience, this office is available for immediate walk in bill payment. The patient financial advocate’s office is located in the hospital’s main lobby and is open from 7:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 1:30p p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Patient Financial Advocate
179 North Broad Street
Norwich, NY 13815
(607) 337-4295
Patient Financial Aid Brochure (PDF)