OSHA Exams & Services
UHS Occupational Medicine offers a wide range of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) medical surveillance exams to assist employers in meeting regulatory requirements. The physical exams are provided with special regard for substances in the workplace known to increase the incidence of disease (asbestos, chemical solvents, hazardous waste, heavy metals and respiratory
irritants). A breathing test, Pulmonary Function Screen, provides baseline lung function and can be compared to previous test for changes in lung function.
Please inquire if your needs are not met with the services listed in this directory.
Asbestos Medical Surveillance (29 CFR 1910.1001)
The following services will be routinely performed for Asbestos Medical Surveillance Examinations:
- Administration of the Asbestos Initial Medical Questionnaire Part 1 or Part 2 (Periodic Exams)
- Asbestos Medical Surveillance Employee Questionnaire Report
- Medical Exam and Counseling Report
- Height/Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Stool test for occult blood
- Pulmonary Function Screen
In addition, a two-view chest x-ray will be performed according CFR 1910.1001 recommended frequency table and pre-assignment to occupation with asbestos exposure.
Years Since |
Age of Employee |
15-35 |
35-45 |
45+ |
0 – 10 |
Every 5 Years |
Every 5 Years |
Every 5 Years |
10+ |
Every 5 Years |
Every 2 Years |
Every Year |
All chest x-rays will be interpreted by a radiologist with “B” Reader Certification and according to the International Classification of Radiographs for Pneumoconiosis (LO-U/C).
With successful completion of the examination, the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respirator suitability and a medical clearance for risk to exposure for the file as required by OSHA.
Audiometrics (29 CFR 1910.95)
UHS Occupational Medicine will perform baseline and annual Audiograms for the Company. All Audiograms will be performed by a certified hearing Conservationist and reviewed by a physician with
any recommendations being forwarded to the employer.
In accordance with OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.95 (g) (8), if a comparison of the annual audiogram to the baseline audiogram indicates a standard threshold shift, the employee shall be informed
by the employer of this fact in writing within twenty-one (21) days of the determination. The Company will be responsible for complying with this OSHA Standard.
Please note: Individuals scheduled for testing must not be exposed to any loud noise environment (e.g. bowling, motorcycles, target shooting, rock concerts, etc.) for a minimum period of fourteen (14) hours prior to testing; however, hearing protection may be used as a substitute to exposure to work place noise.
Blood Borne Pathogen Care / Post Exposure
Blood Borne Pathogen Post-exposure Follow-up (29 CFR 1910.1030)
UHS Occupational Medicine has the ability to provide initial and follow-up care for anyone who has a work-related exposure to blood or body fluids. The following services are available to meet the requirements OSHA now mandates:
- Hepatitis B Vaccination: a series of three (3) injections administered at 0, 1 and 6 months. Titers are recommended six(6) to eight (8) weeks post vaccination for high risk employees.
- Pre-exposure Hepatitis B Vaccination and/or antibody status will be billed to employers at the prevailing rates.
- Twenty-four (24) hour access for initial post-exposure services, through the Emergency Room during non-business hours.
- Post-exposure medical evaluation and follow-up counseling.
- Antiretroviral prophylaxis for high risk exposures.
- HBV status and update.
- Confidential HIV counseling and testing. The staff at UHS Occupational Medicine are experienced HIV Counselors.
- The OSHA required employer report of medical evaluation will be forwarded to the designated company representative.
- All records are maintained in a confidential file. Any additional questions you have may be answered by calling UHS Occupational Medicine at (607) 762-2333 in Binghamton and (607) 337-4777 in Norwich.
The Company must develop an Exposure Control Plan that identifies all employees with occupational exposure, the procedure for evaluation of exposure incidents, a schedule for implementing all provisions of the standard and educate employees on company plan/policy/procedure.
UHS Occupational Medicine staff can provide the following training and education:
- Explanation of the OSHA Blood borne Standard.
- Explanation of Hepatitis B and its implications.
- Explanation of Hepatitis B Vaccine.
- Explanation of Hepatitis C and its implications.
- Explanation of HIV and its implications.
Formaldehyde Medical Surveillance (29 CFR 1910.1048)
The following services will be routinely performed for Formaldehyde Medical Surveillance Exams:
- Completion of initial “Formaldehyde Medical Surveillance” Questionnaire or an Update
- Medical Exam and Counseling Report
- Height/Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Urine Dip for sugar and protein
- Pulmonary Function Screen
With successful completion of the examination, the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respirator suitability and a medical clearance for risk to exposure for the file as required by OSHA.
Hazardous Materials Response Team (HAZMAT)
Hazardous Materials (Hazmat) Response Team (29 Cfr 1910.120)
The following services will be routinely performed as part of a HAZMAT Examination:
- OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire
- Review of Medical and Occupational History
- Height/Weight
- Audiogram
- Pulmonary Function Screen
- Chemistry Profile
- Electrocardiogram for age 35 and over
- Physical Examination
- Blood Pressure
- Vision
- Complete Blood Count
- Routine Urinalysis
With successful completion of the examination, the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respirator suitability and a medical clearance for risk to exposure for the file as required by OSHA.
Hazardous Waste Operations
Hazardous Waste Operations (29 CFR 1910.120)
The following services will be routinely performed as part of the Hazardous Waste Operations Examination:
- OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire
- Review of Medical/Occupational History
- Height/Weight
- Blood Pressure
- Vision
- Audiogram
- Pulmonary Function Screen
- Complete Blood Count
- Chemistry Profile
- Liver Profile
- Lipid Profile
- Blood Lead
- RBC Cholinesterase
- Hemoccult Test
- Urinalysis
- Urine Heavy Metal Screen
With successful completion of the examination the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respirator suitability and a medical clearance for risk to exposure.
Hepatitis B Immunizations
UHS Occupational Medicine will provide a series of Hepatitis B Immunizations to all employees designated by the Company and desiring the vaccinations. The vaccine is a series of three (3)
injections given over a six (6) month period. Prior to receiving the vaccine, each recipient will be given the opportunity to have any questions or concerns about the vaccine answered. Each recipient will be required to sign a United Health Services Hospitals “Hepatitis B Immunization Consent/Declination” form prior to receiving the vaccine.
Lead Medical Surveillance (29 CFR 1910.1025)
The following services will be routinely performed as part of a Lead Medical Surveillance Examination:
OSHA Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire | |
With successful completion of the examination, the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respiratory suitability and a medical clearance for risk to exposure.
Pulmonary Function Screens
Pulmonary Function Screen (SPIROMETRY)
UHS Occupational Medicine will perform pulmonary function screens as part of medical clearance for respirator use. All staff members performing the screens have completed the NIOSH Industrial Pulmonary Function Course. Each individual will be required to provide any relevant history and sign a “United Health Services Hospitals consent for Release of Medical Information” form prior to the medical information being forwarded to the Company.
Spirometry will not be performed if the subject is acutely ill from any cause, has smoked or used an aerosol bronchodilator within the past hour or has a significant upper or lower respiratory tract infection. At least two maneuvers, a forced vital capacity (FVC) and a forced expiratory volume-1 second (FEV1) will be completed. The individual will be requested to provide at least three consistent efforts. If the FVC is less than 80% or the FEV1 is less than 70%, restriction from respirator use may be considered.
Respirator Suitability
Respirator Suitability Examinations (29 CFR 1910.134)
Respiratory Clearance Exams are performed prior to the employee being fit tested or required to use a respirator and to current employees who annually give any positive responses to questions on the questionnaire. The following services will be routinely performed as part of a Respirator Clearance Examination:
OSHA Respirator Medical History Questionnaire | |
With successful completion of the examination the company will receive a “Physician Statement” on respirator suitability for the file as required by OSHA.
Respirator Fit Testing
Respirator Fit Testing
UHS Occupational Medicine can perform quantitative and qualitative fit testing for your employees.
Quantitative Fit Test
UHS Occupational Medicine uses the Quantafit Testing Machine, which is controlled negative pressure (CNP) method and is the fastest and most accuarate measurement tools for respirator leakage.
- Proven Technologoy - OSHA approved
- Fast Fit Method - less than 5 minutes per test
- Most accurate - defects 98% of all leaks
Qualitative Fit Test
Qualitative (N95) fit testing using the QLFT50, which meets the performance criteria for fit testing half mask respirators under current OSHA standards.
*Fit testing is also available offsite upon request. Quantitative fit testing has availability restrictions. Please call 607-762-2333 for information.