Quick Access to UHS MyChart

Free and secure access to your UHS healthcare team and services.
  • Provider Benefits
    Faster care for your patients, the frustrating delays and barriers for approvals that exist in “traditional” WC System are removed Provider requests for authorization of diagnostics, services, surgery will be granted usually on the sam
  • NYS Workers’ Compensation Board
    For the most up to date information and forms please visit the NYS Workers’ Compensation Board Web Site. Home page general information: http://www.wcb.ny.gov
  • How to Get Started
    WC PPO Administrative Fees are determined by a comprehensive review and analysis of 2 to 3 years of preceding loss history as well as size and industry type. The review focus is on frequency and severity of claims to determine the reso
  • Employee Benefits
    Benefits to Injured Workers All claimants treated like the injured “quarterback,” the most valued person on the team Each worker has their own Nurse Case Manager to help them through the workers’ comp system.
  • Employer Benefits
    Employer Experience Medical Expense (70 to 90%) Lost Time Cases Indemnity Expense (80 to 100%) Reserve Setting Indirect Cost Employer Responsibilities and Requirements
  • Tuberculin Skin Testing PPD (Mantoux Test)
    UHS Occupational Medicine will administer baseline, annual, and post -exposure Mantoux Skin Testing for the Company. The employee will be questioned regarding previous skin testing results.
  • Physical Examinations
    UHS Occupational Medicine will provide qualified physicians and allied health professionals to perform the following employment related physical examinations.
  • OSHA Exams & Services
    UHS Occupational Medicine offers a wide range of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) medical surveillance exams to assist employers in meeting regulatory requirements.