UHS Employees Wear Blue & Green in support of Organ & Tissue Donation
April 16, 2021
April marks the 18th annual National Donate Life Month, a celebration commemorating those who have given the gift of life through organ, eye and tissue donation. UHS is partnering with the Center for Donation & Transplant, to observe National Donate Life month by spreading awareness within our organization and community about the importance of registering as an organ and tissue donor.
The staff at UHS has always been fully committed to supporting our mission of donation and making the option of donation a possibility of our patients and their families. In order to show our support for donation, staff wore blue & green on Friday, April 16th to support Blue & Green Day as part of National Donate Life Month!
To register to be a donor or for more information, visit www.donatelifecdt.org
You can see pictures of staff wearing blue & green below: