UHS Chenango Memorial launches Rheumatology series with talk on Lupus
April 27, 2021
Lupus, gout, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoporosis all have something in common. These chronic conditions all affect the joints, soft issues or connective tissue and are thereby included in the medical subspecialty of Rheumatology. Each will also be a topic covered in UHS Chenango Memorial’s new virtual Lunchtime Learning series, a partnership between the Norwich hospital and UHS Rheumatology.
“We work closely with many of the UHS specialty practices, but we are particularly excited about this collaboration with the care team at UHS Rheumatology,” said Chris Kisacky, Vice President of Service Coordination and Development at UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital.
Five specialists from the UHS Rheumatology practice will present on a topic as part of the new series, which will kick off on Tuesday, May 4 with a special presentation on Lupus, led by Dr. Henda Bouali.
The 45 minute program, which will be conducted via Zoom, will start at 12:15 p.m. Those interested in attending can register by calling 337-4183 or emailing melissa.stagnaro@nyuhs.org.
According to Kisacky, the goal of the new Lunchtime Learning series is two-fold.
“The topics we’ve chosen are relevant to many men and women in our community, whether they suffer from one of these conditions personally or know someone who does,” she explained. “These virtual conversations are an opportunity for them to learn about these chronic diseases from experts in the field, as well as get to know these medical providers outside of an exam room.”
As a result, she said, patients and caregivers can have a more open dialogue with their medical provider, and ultimately better manage their chronic disease over time.
“This series is about starting a dialogue. It’s about connecting people in our community with information that’s relevant to them personally, as well as to those they love. It’s an opportunity to learn from our medical professionals as well as from each other,” she said.
For more information on UHS Chenango Memorial’s 2021 Lunchtime Learning Series or to register, call Melissa Stagnaro at (607) 337-4183 or via email at melissa.stagnaro@nyuhs.org.
UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital is a member of United Health Services, a locally owned not-for-profit 916-bed hospital and health care system serving the Greater Binghamton region from more than 40 locations around New York’s Southern Tier.