How Can I Get Help?/Assessment Services
We are here to help. Our team of licensed social workers and Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors meets with patients to determine if they have a substance use disorder. Individuals who meet criteria for one or more substance use disorder are referred to an appropriate level of care (i.e. inpatient services, outpatient services, or medication-assisted treatment). We also perform adolescent, co-occurring disorder, and DWI assessments.
How Can I Get Help?
Come to our walk-in program located at 10 Mitchell Ave, Binghamton. Hours: 9-11 am Mon-Fri, and 1-3 pm Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri Call: (607) 762-3288 with questions.
What Should I Expect?
A licensed social worker or Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselor will speak with you to determine whether you have a substance use disorder. Your visit will take between 30 minutes and one hour. If you meet criteria for a substance use disorder and you are interested in treatment, we will connect you to the appropriate level of care as soon as possible.
Specialized Assessments: Adolescents, Mental Health and DWI
We are proud to treat a variety of populations in Broome County and Greater Binghamton, New York.
Adolescent Assessments
Our team performs adolescent substance use disorder assessments. Treatment recommendations are based on clinical need and may include individual counseling or referrals to outside facilities.
Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Assessments
If you are seeking mental health and substance use disorder treatment and you are not connected to an outpatient mental health program, please attend the UHS Outpatient Mental Health Clinic’s walk-in hours, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 10 a.m. Their clinic is located at 33 Mitchell Avenue, Binghamton, NY 13903, on the ground floor. In addition to mental health medication and counseling, their clinic provides a co-occurring disorders group for patients with mental health diagnoses and substance use disorders. Please call (607) 762-2340 with questions.
If you are already connected to an outpatient mental health program outside of the UHS system and would like substance use disorder treatment, please present for an assessment during our open access times. You may be eligible for our outpatient program’s co-occurring disorders or dual recovery group.
DWI Assessments
If you need a DWI evaluation, please call (607) 762-3122 and ask to schedule an appointment. Please note, if you have been arrested for a DWI in New York State, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requires that you have a DWI-specific assessment.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: I want to take medication for my problem with opioids, can you help me?
A: We offer Suboxone®, buprenorphine/naloxone, Sublocade®, Brixadi®, and Vivitrol® at our 10 Mitchell Avenue, Binghamton location.
For these medications, come to our walk-in program Hours: 9-11 am Mon-Fri, and 1-3 pm Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri Call: (607) 762-3122 with questions.
For methadone clinic admission, call (607) 762-2800 between 6:30 am – 2:30 pm.
Q: I want to take medication for my problem with alcohol, can you help me?
A: We offer oral naltrexone, Vivitrol®, acamprosate, and Antabuse® at our 10 Mitchell Avenue, Binghamton location.
For these medications, come to our walk-in program Hours: 9-11 am Mon-Fri, and 1-3 pm Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri Call: (607) 762-3122 with questions.
Q: I want to come to inpatient treatment, what should I do?
If you are interested in inpatient addiction treatment, come to our walk-in program located at 10 Mitchell Ave, Binghamton. Hours: 9-11 am Mon-Fri, and 1-3 pm Mon, Tues, Thu, Fri Call: (607) 762-3288 with questions.
Q: I need to be seen right away but your office is closed, what should I do?
A: If you are in an addiction-related crisis, please call our addiction crisis line at (607) 762-2257. For medical emergencies, including alcohol or benzodiazepine withdrawal, please call 911 or go to the emergency room. For mental health crises, please call our Comprehensive Psychiatric Emergency Program (CPEP) at (607) 762-2303.
- Assessment Services: (607) 762-3288
- Outpatient Treatment/Outpatient New Horizons: (607) 762-3288
- Inpatient Treatment/Inpatient New Horizons: (607) 762-3288
- Medications for Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorders at Outpatient New Horizons: (607) 762-3122
- MAT Clinic (Methadone Clinic): (607) 762-2800
- Peer Services: (607) 762-3288
For Addiction Medicine services at UHS Delaware Valley Hospital, contact (607) 865-2100.