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UHS tailors 24/7 pharmacy services to patients’ needs

March 03, 2025

With respiratory illness season still ongoing and allergy season around the corner, it’s important to know when and where you can get your prescriptions filled.

As some pharmacies nationwide have cut hours, UHS is making sure you have access to the medications you need by offering expanded business hours and convenient locations. We are working tirelessly to accommodate our patients’ needs so our community can get their prescriptions filled at a UHS pharmacy that’s quick, convenient and open 24 hours a day.

UHS Pharmacy Johnson City, at 345 Main Street in Johnson City, offers retail pharmacy services to the public around the clock. The location is one of Greater Binghamton’s only 24-hour pharmacies and is relatively close to all local hospitals, making it convenient for patients who are leaving one of our locations, even if it is after hours and you find yourself in need of a prescription.

One of the key features of this location is the drive-up window for prescriptions, allowing patients to get their prescriptions any hour of the day or night without getting out of their vehicle.

“When you see the strong presence we have in the area, you see UHS’ dedication and commitment to services needed by the people of our community,” said James Jester, System Director of Pharmacy Services at UHS. “Our location in Johnson City offers patients exceptional access and convenient parking and is in close proximity to the UHS Wilson Medical Center campus, offering friendly retail pharmacy services 24/7.”

This is just one example of how UHS offers pharmacy services to meet the specific needs of healthcare patients across the Greater Binghamton region.

Through the UHS Specialty Pharmacy, for instance, patients with unique, complicated medical conditions have a resource for getting the specialized medications they need. This specialty service focuses on medications for serious and chronic diseases like cancer, asthma, hepatitis and others, which often require long-term, costly treatment and are not available in traditional retail settings. Help with payment and arranging for financial assistance are also available to qualifying patients. This pharmacy is located in a separate area on the west side of the UHS Pharmacy Johnson City, with its own entrance.

UHS currently operates four other retail pharmacies across the Southern Tier that are open to the public. These locations also offer a wide range of prescription medications, along with convenience and friendly, knowledgeable service:

Most importantly, you don’t have to be a UHS patient to take advantage of our full-service retail pharmacies. All UHS Pharmacies are open to the public.  Prescriptions are accepted from any provider, and the locations stock the most popular over-the-counter items, so patrons can pick up cough drops, aspirin or similar products when stopping in for their prescription medications. Next-day orders on special items are also available.

UHS Pharmacy services are second to none. Our team of pharmacy professionals aims to turn around a prescription in 30 minutes or less for patients leaving a physician appointment, those discharged after a hospital stay or those with other acute needs.

Patients can be alerted about their prescriptions being ready by opting into automated phone calls, text messages or, if enrolled, via notification from UHS’ MyChart. Medications can be delivered to the bedside of a hospitalized patient before they are discharged through a Meds to Beds program offered only at UHS.

Patient education is an important part of the UHS Pharmacy Department’s mission, and it is conducted confidentially by highly knowledgeable pharmacy professionals. One of our goals is to keep patients out of the emergency room. A top reason for readmissions to the hospital is a lack of knowledge about medications. Pharmacist-supervised drug reconciliation and patient education play a huge role in medication compliance and successful patient outcomes.

You can learn more about UHS Pharmacy services at https://www.nyuhs.org/care-treatment/pharmacy.