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Spine & Pain Care

Spine & Pain Care Providers

Spine & Pain Care Locations

Low back pain (LBP) is one of the most common diagnoses that we treat in physical therapy. It is also one of the most functionally limiting conditions and often the leading cause for missed work in our country. Physical therapy plays a huge role in improving function for those suffering with LBP. At UHS Physical Therapy, your therapist will thoroughly evaluate you and create a treatment plan that is specifically designed for you. We also utilize a multidisciplinary approach to treat chronic pain conditions that involve physicians from primary care, orthopedics, pain management, and neurosurgery as well as chiropractors and psychologists to thoroughly treat your condition and improve your daily function.

Spine and Pain Conditions:

Some common conditions that are effectively treated in physical therapy are below. If you do not find what you are looking for, please contact one of our locations so we can assist you.

Integrated Spine Program

We offer an integrated spine program that is designed to evaluate and treat chronic spine pain and disability that have not responded to other treatments. Patients are evaluated by an orthopedic surgeon and pain management specialist, a Chiropractor and a Physical Therapist simultaneously and treatment is coordinated based on findings. This multidisciplinary approach to chronic pain is necessary, not only for the physical components, but also the psychological and emotional issues caused by chronic pain.

Spine Bridge Program

We offer a strength and conditioning program that will bridge the gap between your Physical Therapy program and returning to your normal activities such as work and recreational and leisurely activities. We have trained performance specialists that will design a strength and conditioning program geared specifically to assist you in returning to the activities that you need and want to do again. Your therapist, trainer and referring provider will have direct communication to offer you the best care possible.

UHS News

  • UHS providers and locations recognized for high online reputation score
    March 13, 2025

    UHS has achieved an exceptionally high score from Reputation.com, the national organization that measures the online performance of healthcare institutions. This year marks a unique milestone in UHS’ partnership with Reputation.com. For the first time, Reputation.com has recognized UHS with a “900 Award” for 2025, which celebrates any healthcare provider or location that has earned a “reputation score” of 900 or greater.

  • UHS Home Care phone scam warning
    March 12, 2025

    Please be advised that members of the community have reported receiving fraudulent calls claiming to be UHS Home Care. The callers are prompting individuals to provide compromising information over the phone. We want you to be aware that these calls are a scam, and are not coming from UHS.

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    March 10, 2025

    A program to recognize the extraordinary care and contributions of our non-licensed nursing support staff continues at UHS with Diane Schaffer, MHT, Krembs 3, UHS Binghamton General Hospital, being named the December winner of the Sunshine Program Award!