In Balance
In BalanceSM is a dynamic new Fall Prevention program brought to you by UHS Home Care. Accidental falls are a serious problem with older adults. Our goal is to support your independence by reducing the risk of falling and fall-related injuries.
In BalanceSMuses a holistic approach:
We review your previous fall history, physical and functional abilities and limitations, medication use, as well as your physical environment and medical history.
We then create a well-developed treatment plan to meet your needs. Working with other health care providers, your physical therapist will develop a customized approach to help you reach your goals.
Who is a candidate for our In BalanceSM program?
- Any adult with a history of falls or at high risk of falling
- Anyone who may have fallen or nearly fell within the last 3 months
- Those who experience fatigue, dizziness or unsteadiness
- Those having difficulty transferring or walking
- Are taking medications that cause weakness or dizziness
- Those who have had a stroke
- Adults who have been diagnosed with a progressive neurological disease or
- Have arthritis, joint disease or other problems with your legs
Falls can be serious and potentially life threatening. Even just the fear of falling can have an extremely detrimental impact on the quality of a person’s life. This can also play a major determining factor in whether or not you may continue to live independently. With UHS Home Care’s new approach and dedicated team of caring professionals, there has never been a better time to get In BalanceSM!