UHS Dermatology provides expert care of diseases of the skin and skin cancers. Whether it is a common condition such as eczema or psoriasis, a mysterious rash, or a rare disease, our provider team will completely evaluate your condition and give you the best up-to-date care available. If you have an unusual mole or skin lesion we can evaluate it using dermoscopy and biopsy techniques to choose the best treatment.
Our provider panel consists of two Physician’s Assistant who together have a total of over 22 years of experience in Dermatology. We also have a Board Certified Internal Medicine M.D. with a special interest in diseases of the skin. Our lead physician and consultant is Dr Sienkiewicz, a Board Certified Dermatologist who has been in practice in our community for 39 years.
The UHS multispecialty physician group gives us the ability to render interdisciplinary expert care in collaboration with Rheumatology, Plastic and General Surgery, Oncology, Dermatopathology and other specialties.
UHS Home Care phone scam warningMarch 12, 2025
Please be advised that members of the community have reported receiving fraudulent calls claiming to be UHS Home Care. The callers are prompting individuals to provide compromising information over the phone. We want you to be aware that these calls are a scam, and are not coming from UHS.
UHS performs 100th Ion procedureMarch 12, 2025
The UHS Pulmonary team at UHS Wilson Medical Center recently conducted its 100th procedure with the Ion, a robotic-assisted bronchoscopy tool transforming lung cancer diagn
Our newest Sunshine Award winner is Diane Schaffer!March 10, 2025
A program to recognize the extraordinary care and contributions of our non-licensed nursing support staff continues at UHS with Diane Schaffer, MHT, Krembs 3, UHS Binghamton General Hospital, being named the December winner of the Sunshine Program Award!
Colorectal Cancer: How Screenings Save LivesMarch 10, 2025
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, an observance dedicated to encouraging patients, survivors and caregivers to share their stories, advocate for colorectal cancer prevention and raise awareness about the importance of early detection.