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Senior Care

If you’re a senior citizen, you should connect with our network of special programs and services for those in their golden years. You can participate in a variety of senior care and wellness programs, or maybe you’d enjoy one of the area’s premier retirement living communities - UHS Senior Living at Ideal, covering Southern Tier communities near Binghamton, NY.

Through our many programs and services, including a wide variety of home care options from specialized nursing care, monitors and nutritional supplies, durable medical equipment and many therapies, we can help you age as healthfully as possible.

Senior Care is also referred to as Elder Care and Geriatric Care.

UHS achieves prestigious ‘Senior-Friendly’ designation

A hospital stay can be a source of stress for older adults and their families.  Ensuring that our nurses are well prepared to recognize and meet the unique needs of elderly patients is critically important to UHS, which is why we take part in the “Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE)” program.

As a result of several initiatives in place throughout our hospitals, UHS has been designated by NICHE as “Senior-Friendly.”  The 2024 designation shows success in the implementation of high-quality, System-wide initiatives that demonstrate a commitment to the care of older adults. Click here to learn more.

UHS Senior Living at Ideal

Contact UHS Senior Living at Ideal:


Located atop a scenic hill in Endicott on the site of the former Ideal Hospital, UHS Senior Living at Ideal is a full-service senior living campus at 508 High Avenue.  

Providing long-term care and wellness services to elderly residents in Broome and surrounding counties, Ideal features 33 independent-living apartments, a 35-bed adult care facility, a 35-bed assisted living program and a 150-bed skilled nursing facility.  

Residents of Ideal benefit from an activities program, dining services, social transportation, and therapy and personal care services as needed.  

Home Care Services

Contact UHS Home Care:


Medical experts know that one of the best places for people to recover after illness or injury is right in their own home. And those with chronic or long-term illness often find home care to be just what the doctor ordered.

UHS is the leading provider of home care services in the greater Binghamton community. We offer skilled nursing at home, medical equipment and supplies for the home

These programs deliver a wide array of home care services, including highly skilled, specialized nursing care, monitors and nutritional supplies, durable medical equipment and many therapies. Our home care providers offer a service to meet your needs, right where you need it most.  And there's a location near you.

Wound Care Services

Contact the UHS Center for Advanced Wound Care:


The UHS Center for Advanced Wound Care benefits people suffering with Chronic Wounds by utilizing a personalized and targeted approach.  

Almost 7 million people in the US are living with a chronic wound right now!  A person with a wound has an average of 3 to 4 CHRONIC CONDITIONS like Diabetes, Peripheral Artery Disease, Cardiovascular Disease, and COPD.

Reasons for not healing can include poor circulation, infection, edema, insufficient nutrition/lack of protein, immobility, and continued trauma.

We have advanced therapies available including specialized dressings, skin substitutes and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

You do not need a referral from another provider, but to qualify for our services you must have an "OPEN WOUND" rather than a rash or a bump.  We will be happy to speak with you on the phone before scheduling an appointment to make sure the services we offer are appropriate for your problem, or we will help you to determine what office would best serve your needs.

We are open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Orthopedic Services

Contact the UHS Orthopedic Center:


People are living longer than ever before and few are aging without experiencing functional challenges in their daily lives.  Conditions such as osteoporosis, arthritis, diabetes, heart disease, and even memory impairment can affect a person’s musculoskeletal system and require special consideration and individualized treatment plans.

Getting superior care for your musculoskeletal system—the bones, muscle and tissue that make up your body—is close to home at UHS Orthopedics and in Binghamton.  Our dedicated care teams, led by fellowship-trained surgeons, are prepared and ready to treat conditions that are stopping you from living life to the fullest!

General and Vascular Surgery Services

General Surgery Services offered:

  • Gallbladder
  • Hernia (except hiatal)
  • Thyroid nodules/cysts
  • Colon/bowel surgeries  (cancer, diverticulitis)
  • Adrenal masses
  • Splenectomy
  • Lymph node removals (except neck unless referred by ENT)
  • Parathyroid
  • Office surgeries- cysts, moles, lesions, lipomas, mass, abscess, skin tags, skin lesions, vasectomy, port-a-cath removal, temporal artery biopsies and FNA’s

Vascular Surgery Services offered:

  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
  • Descending Thoracic Aneurysm
  • Peripheral Vascular Disease/Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Arterial insufficiency
  • Aortic Stenosis
  • Carotid Stenosis
  • Mesenteric/Celiac Artery Stenosis
  • Dialysis access placement (PD cath, AFG, AVG)
  • IVC Filter Placement
  • Venous Insufficiency (Varicose veins, Leg swelling, Venous reflux, venous wounds)
  • Leg pain- when claudication is involved
  • Do not treat DVT’s


  • Should be sent from PCP or other referring specialist when applicable.  Self referrals are not typical for our specialties, as the referral reasons are usually related to imaging results, especially Vascular patients.  All providers require referral notes and imaging results to provide a complete assessment of patient symptoms.

Learn more about Heart & Vascular Care at UHS

UHS recognized for age-friendly offices

Primary care offices of UHS Hospitals recently earned badges designating them as “4M Age-Friendly Health System Committed to Care Excellence” practices from the nationally renowned Institute for Healthcare Improvement and the Healthcare Association of New York State.

UHS Ideal becomes 5-star living facility

UHS Senior Living at Ideal has achieved the rank of a five-star skilled nursing facility. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services' “Care Compare Five-Star Ratings” for July 2023 gave UHS Ideal five stars in the categories of quality measures and overall quality, and four stars each for health inspection and staffing.

Bone and Joint Health Class

Bone and Joint class is designed to aid the elderly in maintaining quality of life, mobility and overall strength and conditioning. Classes are held Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Learn More & Register >

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