Hepatitis C Care and Treatment
Welcome from the Hepatitis C Care and Treatment Team at UHS Primary Care - Binghamton.
UHS Primary Care - Binghamton is a general, Internal Medicine clinic, providing primary medical care for adults. Within that practice, we have a team with expertise in Hepatitis C care. From testing to post treatment, our team will provide care coordination services, insurance navigation, adherence counseling, education, peer support, and referrals based on an individual’s needs. The Hepatitis C team works with medical providers to ensure patients are meeting their treatment goals. UHS Primary Care - Binghamton provides patients with clinicians who are experienced in offering state-of-the-art treatment to patients with a Hepatitis C diagnosis. Our clinicians can provide both your Hepatitis C specific care & your Primary Care in one location. We strive to provide top notch care within a confidential, non-discriminatory and stigma free environment.
What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is a virus that infects the liver. Most people do not have symptoms for many years. Over time, Hepatitis C can cause the liver to thicken and scar. This scarring is called fibrosis. As the scaring becomes worse, the liver fails to function properly. The late stage of scarring is called cirrhosis. Cirrhosis can lead to life-threatening liver failure or liver cancer. Today there are medications that can cure this virus in almost everyone. Treatment with direct-acting antivirals can cure Hepatitis C. Curing Hepatitis C can prevent or slow down liver damage. After being successfully treated and cured of Hepatitis C, a person can become infected again.
How is Hepatitis C Spread?
Hepatitis C is spread when the blood of a person who has the virus enters the body of a person who does not have the virus. Hepatitis C is NOT spread through casual contact, such as sneezing, hugging, or sharing drinks or eating utensils. Today, most people become infected with Hepatitis C by sharing needles, syringes, or any other equipment used to prepare and inject drugs. Other ways Hepatitis C is spread is during child birth, health care exposures, sex with an infected person (uncommon, though it has been reported more often among men who have sex with men), unregulated tattoos and body piercings, sharing personal items (like toothbrushes, nail clippers, and razors), and blood transfusions/ organ transplants (before widespread screening of the blood supply in 1992, now risk is extremely low).
Who should be tested for Hepatitis C?
- Adults age 18 and older should be tested at least once in their lifetime
- Women during each pregnancy
- Baby Boomers, born from 1945-1965
- People who inject drugs, including those who only injected once many years ago
- People who use intranasal drugs
- Dialysis patients
- People living with HIV
- Children born to mothers with Hepatitis C
- People who are or have been incarcerated
- Recipients of clotting factor concentrates made before 1987, when less advanced methods for manufacturing those products were used
- Recipients of blood transfusions/organ transplants prior to July 1992
- Healthcare workers after needle sticks involving someone who is positive for Hepatitis C virus
- Recipients of blood/organs from a person who tested positive for Hepatitis C
- People who have received tattoos or body piercings done with non-sterile instruments
If you think you might have been exposed to Hepatitis C, but are not sure, you should get tested, Call 607-762-2810 for assistance.
Contact Our Team
UHS Primary Care - Binghamton: (607) 762-3281
Scott Rosman, FNP
Erica Newton, PA
Hepatitis C Team Lead
Melissa Barker: (607) 762-2810
Hepatitis C Wellness Coordinator
Shannon McDonald: (607) 762-3805
Community Outreach Specialist
Sarah Buono: (607) 762-2813
Peer Support Specialist
Patrick Davis: (607) 762-3361
Community Resource Information:
- UHS Medication for Addiction Treatment Program (methadone clinic), 607-762-2800, www.nyuhs.org/care-treatment/addiction-medicine
- STAP Syringe Exchange Program (Broome County), 277 Main Street, Johnson City, NY 13790, 607-237-049, ext. 209, bc@fixsafe.org
- STAP Syringe Exchange Program (Tompkins County), 314 West State Street, Ithaca, NY 14850, 607- 272-4098 ext. 312, tc@fixsafe.org
- STAP Syringe Exchange Program (Chenango County), The Eaton Center - 19 Eaton Ave., First Floor, Norwich, NY 13815, 607-227-8159, chenango@fixsafe.org