UHS pharmacy services are open to the public
April 26, 2024
Did you know UHS has five retail pharmacy locations, and all are open to the community?
Located in Binghamton, Endicott, Johnson City, Vestal and Walton, our full-service retail pharmacies accept prescriptions from any provider and are open to the general public, processing most insurance carriers.
In addition, for one-stop-shopping convenience, UHS pharmacies stock the most-requested over-the-counter items so patrons can purchase cough drops, aspirin or other items when picking up a prescription.
Our newest pharmacy location, UHS Pharmacy Johnson City, recently opened their doors at 345 Main St. The 11,000-square-foot site is in a beautifully remodeled space formerly occupied by a CVS store, just across the street from the Wilson Main Tower of UHS Wilson Medical Center.
The retail pharmacy is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and offers an around-the-clock drive-through option.