UHS to hold free lupus seminar
April 14, 2024
Do you have questions about lupus?
Get your questions answered by UHS clinical experts on the disease at an upcoming FREE seminar--Thursday, April 25.
Lupus occurs when the immune system, which normally helps protect the body from infection and disease, attacks its own tissues. It causes inflammation that can affect your skin, joints, blood and organs, like your kidneys, lungs and heart.
At this educational presentation, Henda Bouali, MD, UHS Rheumatology, will teach attendees about what lupus is, who is at risk, the types of lupus that exist and how to identify the symptoms, as well as facts about diagnosis and treatment.
Join us from 6 to 8 p.m. on Thursday, April 25, in Russell Community Room at UHS Binghamton General Hospital to get all your lupus questions answered.
Registration is required; click here to register now.