Pharmacy students to offer medication answers
February 25, 2019
Members of the public will be able to have many of their medication questions answered at UHS Vestal in March when second-year pharmacy students from Binghamton University offer the “Pharmacy Open House.”
The free event will be held from noon to 4 p.m., on Friday, March 8, in the Lobby of UHS Vestal, 4417 Vestal Parkway East.
Under the direct supervision of two licensed pharmacists and members of the UHS Stay Healthy team, the Binghamton University School of Pharmacy students will offer insulin pen education, check blood sugars, provide advice on medication compliance, blood pressure screenings and answer general medication questions.
Binghamton University has offered a doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) program since 2017, and opened a brand-new, $60 million, state-of-the-art building on Corliss Avenue Johnson City in Fall 2018. When fully enrolled after four years, the school will have approximately 380 to 400 students, 390 in the PharmD program and an additional 30 to 50 PhD students.
The students staffing the event are in their second professional year, and planning and executing a community project like the Pharmacy Open House is part of their curriculum. Since the university founded its pharmacy program, UHS has been a partner organization, offering its pharmacy locations for practical training under the direct supervision of licensed UHS pharmacists.
Said Katherine Cummiskey, PharmD, supervising pharmacist, UHS Vestal Pharmacy: “This partnership is a win-win for each party: Students have the benefit of learning opportunities where the pharmacists are the teachers, and it provides valuable hands-on experience. The students bring a young, enthusiastic presence to the pharmacy, along with questions and new knowledge for the pharmacists."
The UHS Vestal Pharmacy has been in service since 2012 as an open pharmacy, filling prescriptions from any provider. Most of its prescriptions come from providers within the UHS Vestal office, offering a convenient option for patients by eliminating another stop on the way home if a prescription is required.
The UHS pharmacy dispenses all categories of prescription drugs, with additional access to a broad range of specialty drugs. All major insurance plans are accepted. Many common over-the-counter products are available as well.
For more information about pharmacy services at UHS, visit https://www.nyuhs.org/care-treatment/pharmacy/.