Community hospitals restrict visitation
October 05, 2020
UHS Binghamton General Hospital, UHS Wilson Medical Center, UHS Chenango Memorial Hospital, UHS Delaware Valley Hospital
October 5 update:
Based on the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in Broome County and our commitment to the safety of our community, visitor restrictions are in place, except for those at beginning-of-life, end-of-life and pediatric patients.
If you are coming in for an appointment with a provider or surgery we ask that you come alone. If you need assistance please limit this to one adult support person. Your support person may be asked to wait in the waiting room or in their car during your time with your provider in order to maintain social distancing and limit the potential for exposure. If you are bringing a child in for a pediatric appointment, please do not bring the child's siblings if possible.
If you are not feeling well, we strongly encourage you to call your provider's office before you come in. Please do not come in for an appointment if you have a fever, shortness of breath, cough, or any combination of those.
If you are experiencing these or other COVID related symptoms please contact your primary care provider or start a Virtual Walk-In visit.
UHS Senior Living at Ideal
December 16 update:
The Adult Care / Assisted Living Facility and the Skilled Nursing Facility are closed to visitors. Click here for more information.