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Are you 65 years of age or older?

Introducing the 4M Framework for an Age-Friendly Health System

What matters to you, is important to us!

Asking you, our patient, what matters most to you today, helps us align your plan of care and our recommendations to the outcomes YOU want to achieve. 

This allows you to be more engaged and have a significant say in what you want your outcome goals to be. Discussing with your health care team what you want and how to best get there, is our motivation for asking you this question.

What Matters  |  Medication  |  Mobility  |  Mentation

Patient-centered care using the 4M Framework
  • Utilizing the 4M Model of Care and having you, our patient, have a say in your care is extremely important to us.
  • This is a framework for an Age-Friendly Health System.

Click image to enlarge.


What to expect from your care team

The nursing staff will ask you “what brought you into the office today?” Don’t be surprised if their next question is “What matters to you today?” They really want to know!!!

Some examples of responses you might want to give would be:

  • I feel like I don’t have the energy to keep up with my grandchildren.
  • I really want to be able to dance at my grandchild’s wedding.
  • I want to be able to take care of my pets.

You might feel that the reason you are in the office today is what is important. That’s OK! The only reason you are being asked this question is so you are able to actively have a say in your care.

Tips for staying on top of your medication

Sometimes, older adults don't tolerate medications as they once did due to changes that can occur in the body. Staying on top of what you take is important for your well-being.

What you can do:

  • Know what medications you are taking, why you are taking them and how and when to take them.
  • Talk with your provider. Make sure you need all of your medicines. Make sure you understand the side effects.
  • Ask how medicines interact with each other.
  • Tell your provider about any over-the-counter medicine or natural remedies you take, too.
  • Organize your medications so you remember to take them as prescribed, a pill box can help.

Ask your provider, or stop by any UHS Pharmacy, to pick up a "My Medication List" (pictured right).

To view UHS Pharmacy locations, click here.

Age-Friendly Health System Recognition

UHS has been recognized by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement as an “Age-Friendly Health System--Committed to Excellence.”

The age-friendly designation is part of an initiative of the John A. Hartford Foundation and the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, in partnership with the American Hospital Association and the Catholic Health Association of the United States.

Click here to learn more.

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