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Avoid gathering in large groups

October 19, 2021

COVID-19 cases are surging again across the Southern Tier.  A number of those suffering with the disease are hospitalized, emergency rooms are struggling to cope with high patient demand, and healthcare institutions are facing staffing issues.

That’s why healthcare experts are encouraging everyone in the community to keep their guard up when it comes to taking COVID precautions.  This means get vaccinated, wear a mask, social-distance and wash your hands frequently.  And, as we near the season that includes the November and December holidays, as well as upcoming televised sports events, it also means avoiding large gatherings. 

Such gatherings, especially those held indoors, can be pleasant activities with family and friends, of course, but they can also become super-spreader events for the novel coronavirus.  It is always possible for a person to test positive for the virus, even if they are fully vaccinated, and many breakthrough cases are picked up in the community.  So continual vigilance is important.

The safety and well-being of people throughout our region are vital, so you are encouraged to seek out alternatives to big venues.  Consider enjoying time with your own immediate family; plan smaller luncheons, dinners and game-watching parties; or, as an alternative, get together online through a virtual platform, such as Zoom.  It’s one of the best ways you can avoid the disease yourself and show how much you care about your loved ones.

All Americans are becoming fatigued and frustrated with the ongoing nature of the COVID pandemic, but now is not the time to relax our most beneficial precautions.  The vaccines have been successful in preventing the disease or easing its symptoms, and the other efforts to avoid spreading the virus have proven effective as well.

If you have questions about whether you should participate in an upcoming event, talk with your family and your healthcare provider, and consider opting for something smaller.